
This website template is released under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License

License text may be found here:

We request you retain the notice in the template footre including the link to and (all other links may be changed or removed)
This not only gives respect to the large amount of time given freely by the developers but also helps build interest, traffic and use of our free and paid designs. If you refuse to include link in footer then support may be affected.

You are allowed to use this design only if you agree to the following conditions:
- You cannot remove copyright notice from this design in footer without our permission.
- If you modify this design it still should contain copyright because it is based on our work.
- You may copy, distribute, modify, etc. this template as long as links to our websites remain untouched.
- You may not use our templates for racist, hate, porn or other social unfriendly websites.

For support visit

If you want to remove link back to Metamorphosis Design and you may purchase the right to do that for $15.00.
Please contact us for more instructions.

Following Icons were used in this template:


Nam non sem magna. Nam nec orci
Nam nec orci vel erat sollicitudin lacinia vitae eget ipsum. Vivamus dui magna, sodales eu porta tristique eget ligula. Quisque semper purus ac purus

John Doe

Sollicitudin lacinia vitae eget ipsums
Quisque semper purus ac purus adipiscing sed iaculis turpis venenatis.

John Doe

In elementum, diam nec hendrerit
Suspendisse est lectus, placerat sit amet fringilla et, vulputate ut mi. Nulla facilisi. Sed posuere, ligula ac vulputate laoreet, magna justo mollis felis, vel auctor est mi eu ipsum. Cum sociis natoque penatibus

John Doe

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Suspendisse rutrum interdum lacinia.
Suspendisse tempus aliquet elit sit amet pellentesque. Donec iaculis pulvinar mauris, ac vulputate justo pretium quis.

Quisque luctus, mi ornare malesuada
Suspendisse tempus aliquet elit sit amet pellentesque. Donec iaculis pulvinar